Sunday, January 11, 2009

Show n Tell! :)

Hi everyone!

Its quite sad that I'm going to miss our very first class together as I'm still in India - decided to hang on till 15th so that I can celebrate our Harvest Festival (Pongal) with my family here.

So herez me introducing myself (and I hope I can catch your videos later on Fb or in your blog entries :P )

Archana == Archun btw...

(They say a picture = 1000 words, but I kinda have my own love affair with bear with me :P)

Well...I'm quite a traditional-cutesy person. There are some things I've done - small, little and real things which I cherish...(and like Wordsworth says in his 'Daffodils' - they are things which make memorable moments in our lives)

A little bit of weaving and pottery which I tried out this time around! I met some really talented people - who've known what they wanted to do since forever - and in doing that very thing they love..they bring quality and pride and inspire me! :)

I've also performed as a violinist in an orchestra (and this is a hugeee achievement for me as I'm not a very good player!) I practiced real hard though...god bless! And I've tried my hand at a bit of styling as dad didn't think much of it ..but anyone else intersted yet?

Okay...onto 'serious' things...

I LIKE AND WANT TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE something as simple as volunteering on a free saturday afternoon to play about with my little friends or something as complicated (and believe me it is! my FYP!!) as developing a non-invasive detection platform for the early detection of diabetic retinopathy (okay..not many details here..patent and thus the hush-hush)


I LOVE WRITING :) Anything that inspires me...I can write about it. :)

Thatz about it for my show-n-tell! Hope to meet different and like-minded people here and have lotsa fun! :)